Electro-Fishing in the San Bernardino National Forest

Fisheries Resource Volunteer Corps (FRVC) is proud to announce our partnership with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) on a series of electro-fishing projects on 19 streams in the San Bernardino National Forest. These projects are a crucial part of our ongoing efforts to protect and preserve the wild trout populations in the area.

Electro-fishing is a method used to collect data and population estimates. This information is essential for understanding the health of the trout population and identifying any potential issues that may need to be addressed.

Our team of trained volunteers, along with experienced CDFW professionals, will be working on selected streams over the coming months. The data collected during these electro-fishing projects will be used to make informed decisions about managing these wild trout populations and preserving their habitats.

We are excited to be working on these important projects and look forward to the valuable data that will be collected. We would like to extend a special thank you to the CDFW for their partnership and support in this endeavor.

We are always looking for more dedicated individuals to join us in our mission to protect and preserve wild trout streams and rivers in the San Bernardino National Forest. If you are interested in getting involved, please reach out to us to learn more about volunteer opportunities. Together, we can make a real difference in preserving these important ecosystems for future generations to enjoy.


Water Quality Monitoring on 303 (d) Listed Streams


Crab Creek Restoration Project