Know Before You Go

Know Before You Go

Are you planning to visit streams and rivers in the Angeles or San Bernardino National Forests?

Check the US Forest Service page using the links below for up to date safety information.

river rocks in the forest sunshine through clear water

The Angeles and San Bernardino National Forests are incredibly beautiful and biodiverse, we understand that many visitors are excited to explore these natural resources. However, we also want to remind visitors that these forests are vulnerable and that our actions can have a significant impact.

That's why we strongly encourage all visitors to follow Leave No Trace principles while exploring the national forests. This includes properly disposing of trash and waste, respecting wildlife and the natural habitat, and leaving the area as you found it. By following these guidelines, we can help to preserve the natural beauty of these forests for future generations to enjoy.

We also encourage visitors to familiarize themselves with the local regulations and guidelines, such as trail closures, and to be mindful of their impact on areas recovering from fire or recent heavy rainfall.

As a community, it is our responsibility to take care of the public lands we enjoy. We believe that by working together, we can create a culture of respect, responsibility and stewardship. If your interested in joining the Fisheries Resource Volunteer Corps use the link below.

Explore and preserve.