Actively Recruiting Volunteers
Actively Recruiting Volunteers 🎣
Join Fisheries Resource Volunteer Corps (FRVC) President Dave Baumgartner and local scouts for a special Eagle Project at Cattle Canyon on the East Fork of the San Gabriel River.
Get in touch to join this project. High water due to recent rain and snowmelt may limit the patrol distance during the late winter and early spring.
This stream is popular with hikers, scout troops, overnight campers, miners, anglers, and bungee jumpers, so there is significant public contact on this stream all year. Be prepared to cross the stream several times, as the trail meanders back and forth. The length of the patrol will vary depending on the time of the year and the water level.
Please note that this project is actively recruiting volunteers to join before scheduling the next patrol date and subject to changes, please get in touch with the patrol leader before attending.