Actively Recruiting Volunteers
Actively Recruiting Volunteers 🎣
Get ready to explore the scenic San Antonio Creek as we embark on our patrol adventure! We'll meet at the Forest Service Fire Station on Lower San Antonio Creek to kick off the day's activities. The patrol will cover one to two miles on rocky terrain with several stream crossings, offering a challenging yet rewarding experience.
To ensure a safe and enjoyable patrol, please bring a daypack containing the following items:
Your Patrol Performance Evaluation Form
Drinking Water
Sack Lunch
Pen or Pencil
Long Pants
Comfortable Hiking Shoes
Work Gloves
Don't forget to review the directions to the FRVC Shed on pages 38 & 39 of the Training Manual for additional guidance.
Confirmation of attendance is required, so please RSVP as soon as possible using the link below to secure your spot or if you have any questions.
Please note that this patrol is actively recruiting volunteers and subject to changes, please get in touch with the patrol leader before attending.